Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Vietnam Vespa Adventures - Part 5 (finale)

Below, Uncle Bob and I are standing in front of the two Vespas that we spent the afternoon on.

Our last stop was the Reunification Palace, where we got into a discussion on the war and Vietnam as a country. It was interesting to get our tour guide's take on the war... and Americans. Mostly, she said that her and her parents feel that American are people, just like them. They are not concerned with what happened during the war. I've thankfully found this way of thinking in others throughout the city. They seem to take in that I'm from America... mostly interested in the prospect of me teaching them English with an American accent! I'm interested to see if there is a difference in thoughts when I'm up north in Hanoi next month.

Above are a bunch of tourists going for a cyclo ride. I read on a blog of an expat living in Vietnam to never ride of these... because they are uncomfortable, slow, and you "look like a tool", hahaha. Well, I do plan to get the Maiorani's on cyclos during their visit in December!

On the sidewalk in front of the post office we each (our two drivers, tour guide, Uncle Bob, and myself) got a "Vietnamese pizza" as our tour guide jokingly called it. Some dried meats and different things were mixed with a bit of hot sauce and cooked on their little stove on rice paper. I was a bit weary of the meats BUT went for it and it was pretty good!

I called mine a Vietnamese taco!

I tried the Vietnamese pizza/taco... but don't think I'll ever bring myself to try one of the dried squids hanging on a motorbike cart. I often see these being sold on the back of a bike at night... lit up with neon lights.
Uhhh... no thanks.  :P

The phone booths in the post office are so cute. The phone booths on one side of the main entrance still hold working phones... but the other side now has ATM machines! Ha! This is new I think.
A lady came out of one with her husband and waved her hand in front of her face as if it stunk in there... way too funny.

I really didn't want to say goodbye to Uncle Bob! I even followed his taxi partway to the airport on my scooter!

We had such a whirlwind of a trip and it was FABULOUS. I'm glad I hadn't planned much and just let things happen as they may. He was the perfect visitor, as he was up for anything and really enjoyed seeing this city.

I also really appreciated that he was so awestruck by the craziness of this city and culture. --Craziness in a good, fascinating way. Right after he arrived, we took a walk through my neighborhood, bought some coconuts, and sipped our cool drinks sitting on the front steps of the CoOp supermarket... people- and traffic-watching. He said that he knew I was crazy for moving here... but now he thinks so even more! It was really nice to hear how proud he is of me... and to be able to share with a family member all that I've done, on my own, since being here.

Uncle Bob - thanks for such a great time together! Your visit re-energized me in a much-needed way. I'm really glad I was able to share my life in Vietnam with you... and that you and I will always have this trip as a bonding time together.  :)

NOW I can't wait for my parents, Lenny, and Lexey to get here! I've been a machine (sometimes a broken down machine) in the planning for their trip and just last night booked our last flight... so now we're set with flights, hotels, and even a cruise! ...So get here already!  :P


  1. We can't wait to get there! Vietnam looks so beautiful through your pictures!

  2. Thank you, Bob, for making the time to visit Stacia. It meant the world to her, and to me.
