Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"You want another one..."

As soon as your tuk-tuk pulls up to a temple in Angkor Wat, Cambodia, you will be surrounded and followed by people selling you cold drinks, food, and knick-knacks...

Training starts early...

Even though you really just want ice cream... they will try to make you believe you really want... a magnet!

Love this one of Mom!

I'd just like to keep walking, thanks...

Dad made friends and bought these kids' postcards and bracelets, only after they correctly calculated 9 x 7

Three days later, we stopped by the same place and the mother of one of the boys called to him... once the boy saw it was my dad he came running!
Dad told him that if he remembered what 9 times 7 equals, he would buy the bracelets again. The boy seemed shocked at first and almost forgot... but then yelled out,

Below is just a little taste of what I mean...

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