Monday, December 17, 2012

hen gap lai Vietnam

Well, goodness. I think Vietnam is telling me to leave for a bit... good thing I am off to New Zealand for two weeks!

A week (or two?) ago my bike decided to turn off mid-turn... and would not start again.

I called the Yamaha shop, two guys came out and fixed it on the spot. I did bring it back to the shop later that afternoon and they did some kind of 'flush' thing to it. I'm also now putting the 'good' gasoline in it each time.

Well... today the same thing happened to the bike (at least I was not driving this time, however!).

I could not get the bike to start; a parking guy from a nearby shop was helping me. ...And then we gained two onlookers.

The parking guy finally got his bike and motioned for me to get on the back... one of the onlookers got onto mine and we literally pushed him down the street and around the corner!

They dropped me off here...

A little street shop for motorbikes. Two guys set to work... amidst both of them smoking cigarettes non-stop and taking a break every now and then to have a gulp of iced coffee.

These two were awesome. I people-and-scooter-watched on Hai Ba Trung... saw the guts of my motorbike... and was back on a running bike in an hour! ...All for 100,000 dong (or... $5.00 USD). Perrrrfect.

Now let's hope the bike continues to run!

There were more bumps throughout the day... but I'm off to the airport in a few to head to Bangkok and then on to Auckland. I appreciate HCMC giving me nudges to leave for my holiday instead of trying to just shove me out.

Hen gap lai Vietnam! / See you again Vietnam!

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