Sunday, May 8, 2011

Well... I'm off!

Since finding out that I was losing my position in our district's budget cuts for next school year, I have been focusing on options abroad. I have wanted to teach abroad for some time now and this is the perfect situation / time to just go for it!

I have accepted a position as the middle school librarian at the American International School in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam!

I plan to leave sometime near mid-July... and it is a two-year contract. 

Let an adventure of a lifetime begin!

I plan to update this blog regularly during my time in Vietnam and travels to nearby countries.

In the words of my Poppy - "YAHOOOOOOO!"


  1. WHOA! Way to step outside your comfort zone Stacia! Good luck, safe travels & I can't wait to stay updated with what you're doing on here! <3

  2. holy moly!!! no i know the big news on my voicemail from the weekend ;) love you, can't wait to catch up and hear all about it!

  3. :( I know that you are likeing it there but we miss you sooooooooo much. The kids at that school are lucky to have such an awesome librarian!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

  4. Alexis - thanks you so much for the kind words :) :) :) I miss Leroy Drive and Denver SO SO much!!!! I'm thankful this past year has been incredible.
