Sunday, February 12, 2012


The following post is gross (I think so, anyway!)... but it's a part of my life here... one that I've had to learn to get (a little) used to... but only read on if you really want to.   :P

There are rats all over this city. I'm SO thankful one has not found its way into my apartment yet!!

It never gets any less disturbing... but it's not unusual to see a rat or two while in a restaurant or some other building around the city.

The restaurant that opened on the corner of my street leaves its trash on the corner (not to be picked up or anything... the corner is just where it stays)... and there are always rats there now. If I leave my place after dark I can hear them scurrying away, further into the holes and corners when I walk by.

UGGHHH [shudder].

As I drive, I can't help but notice all of the dead rats on the street that have been run over. I must pass about 10 or 15 each day on my way to work...

The WORST part is the tail! ...The smushed rat is mostly flattened guts... aaaand then there's a round tail still sticking up from the road round and strong. Gross.

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