Thursday, July 28, 2011


I just got in from another scooter practice session. I took Giang's advice to take the turns sloooowly but our narrow alley makes actually learning to drive this thing pretty hard. Mr. Nhan motioned for me to go down the side street (still not busy but definitely not our dead end alley). It felt great! I cruised along with a few other scooters here and there and even got to use my blinker to turn around.  :)

There were 5 children playing in our alley that kept eyeing me... finally one of the girls said hello and asked what my name is. She said that she learns English in school. They were really cute - barefoot and playing tag in the street.

After parking my bike in the basement, I got my phrasebook and showed Mr. Nhan that I felt I did "better" today. Then I sat outside with him for a few minutes but told him that it looked like it was going to [check my phrasebook...] mưa, rain. Sure enough, not 5 minutes later there were some sprinkles on the pavement and then it let loose.

I'm back inside now and may try cooking some of the vegetable spring rolls that I bought for dinner.


  1. You are going so well Stac! Checking your blog has become part of my daily routine every morning when I get in to work haha :)

  2. I'm finally caught up-woo! Now I can do the same thing Rach does every morning when I get to work ;) xoxo
