Monday, July 25, 2011


I had breakfast at a crepe place yesterday morning and had the perfect window seat overlooking a main intersection in my neighborhood. I was fascinated watching the traffic weave together. There are some traffic lights in the city but not many - I have not seen any in my area... and this is a rather big intersection! This traffic is nothing compared to the center of HCMC in District 1.

I saw these 3 girls go into the restaurant across the street... so cute... probably out for a Sunday morning girlfriends' brunch. I saw them come out and decided to video the 3 of them on the scooter... it's not unusual to see 3 or 4 people packed onto a scooter!

And then there was this father and his young son. The father put the son on the scooter and then put on the mask for pollution (most people wear them here... some are full face hoods) and his baseball hat... and they're off!

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